BGHS Class of 1976

If you’d like to have your message added to the guestbook, send an email to Mark Thompson
( and he’ll add your entry.

Be sure to include your name, preferred email address, and a short message.


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Jack Lichtenauer  
Message on September 10, 2007: Missed reunion, finally graduated Jan 77. Recognize some faces. Like Frank Perrino, remember chem? We have some breakage! Greg Robertson do you remember the Sifu? I shouldn't have worn the shirt to school.

Bob Satkovich  
Message on July 27, 2007: Hello to all.
I am alive and kicking in Atlanta GA.  My family and I have been here going on 12 years.
I am sorry I was not able to attend the 30th reunion.  Judging from the pictures, it appears it a good time was had by all.
Seeing the pictures of all of your brought back many, many great memories.  I will never forget all of you and the times we had at BGHS.

Ronda Perry Updegraff  
Message on July 3, 2007: We could not make it out to Chicago to attend the reunion, but after reviewing this web page, we can see how much fun everyone had and wish we were there. Brent Jarvis is alive!! Its like Elvis for the class of 76’. Denise, still looks totally the same and hasn’t aged at all. Must be some secret to all that oil in Brent’s garage/’s. And, Jim Green, if your photo from 1976 was not on your name badge, I could not have convinced Will that it was really you! You guys should have talked Leaky into going too. Jill Allen’s photo wasn’t tagged with her name, however that’s a given, she looks identical to this day. What are you ladies using? Well, Vegas is a bit closer to Phoenix so hopefully we’ll get to attend that big-bash.
Great job in organizing all of this information you guys.

Joanne Hipp  
Message on Dec 23, 2006: Still alive... and sorry to have missed what looks like a lot of fun... Cheryl, Larry and Jeff... come find me... I've missed the Monte Cristos and late night twister... and you...

Vicki Marsh McEwen  
Message on Dec 8, 2006: Hello from Texas! Sorry I didn't make the reunion, it looks like it was a blast! Thank you Mark, for the wonderful site and pictures. I was amazed at how many people look the same. You all looked great. Best regards to all.

Don Saulic  
Message on Nov 21, 2006:  I was sad not to make our reunion but was there in spirit. I enjoyed hearing about everyone and seeing pictures. Someone said that everyone is the same just in different bodies for the most part. It's fun to look back in time and see how high school positively impacted my life. God bless! :)

Al Belmonte  
Message on Nov 15, 2006:  I just want to thank Jane, Vicki and Mark for organizing a terrific reunion. It was greta fun to see everyone again and just have a chance to catch up on our lives thirty years later. It is amazing the places we have all gone and things we have done. What a great group of people. While I won't be turning fifty for another twenty years....I do plan to be in Vegas with all of you!

George Bastable  
Message on Nov 07, 2006:  I had such a great time I didn't want to go to sleep. So I didn't! Old friends, like old books, deserve to be revisted. This affords us the opportunity to rehash old times, catch up on the years gone by, and perhaps discover a fresh perspective on a past classmate. It may be unhealthy to live in the past, but it was sure fun to visit it for one night.

Mary Ryan Sigmond  
Message on Nov 01, 2006:  I can't believe it has been a month already. Still basking in the glow of the good time and seeing old friends. The rumblings of Vegas continue. A lot of us are counting on it. Who is going to get the ball rolling?

Catherine March  
Message on Oct 28, 2006:  If anyone has Mary Pat's e-mail address, I'd love to get in touch with her. I'm still bummed that I missed the reunion, but the nice thing is how many old friends I've reconnected with. The picures are great.

Lin Strong Beckwith  
Message on Oct 26, 2006:  This website is fantastic! Thank you Mark. I SO wish I could have made the reunion. Everyone looks GREAT!

Claudia Confer Pickholtz  
Message on Oct 24, 2006:  That was one of the best nights of my life! I never got to attend the previous reunions, and I loved seeing so many great friends there. I agree. It was like I stepped back in time with all of you. The committee did such a great job. Thanks!

Hank Butterworth  
Message on Oct 18, 2006:  I'm making a trip to the old neighborhood for the first time in 28 years and stumbled across this website. Sorry I missed the reunion. A lot of familiar (but older) faces in those pictures.

Debby Lemley  
Message on Oct 16, 2006:  After the dust has settled some, I couldn't truly define what the experience was like being back, until I read Susan and Franks' message tonight. They hit the nail on the head!! It really is about the energy/chemistry we all share. It is awesome after all this time, we just 'tic'. It was like we never lost touch, everyone meshed so well, had laughs, fun, and dances til we could do no more! Great description guys because it explains it all! Debby

Susan Miller Thoren  
Message on Oct 16, 2006:  Mark, this website is fabulous. Great to see everyone at the reunion -- still so much fantastic energy! Does anyone know where to find Carol Van Munster and/or Dave Zimmer?

Frank Perrino  
Message on Oct 14, 2006:  I concur - a total BLAST! Very cool to see everyone and to walk the paths of our shared memories and history. The chemistry is still there, the energy is still there, and you know what? The bodies haven't changed all that much either - we're all essentially the same. Thanks committee! Like Debby said, it was perfect. Did anyone else notice Hoffy dip his beer in the chocolate fondue? Just kidding (I hope.) Everybody take good care and God Bless. Frank

Kenneth Hefley  
Message on Oct 12, 2006:  If anyone ordered a class reunion picture has any info on how to still get one please post or send me an email--Thanks hope to do this again soon!!!!

Rick Hofmeister "Hoffy"  
Message on Oct 11, 2006:  The reunion was a great time and it was great seeing everyone. I have to admit that I am still sore from all the dancing and my voice is just coming back. Kretch and George lets get together in Florida this winter. Moose, the family is great and it was great getting together Thursday night at Andy's. Denise and Sally thanks for driving Friday night it allowed me to have a little "to much fun". Everyone keep in touch and I'm with Keith, lets do Vegas in two years. Hoffy

Keith Kretschmar  
Message on Oct 10, 2006:  What a great time!! Sincere thanks to the committee for their efforts. Thanks to all that attended-it was fantastic seeing everyone again. Patty, thanks for the ride to the airport! George and Rich-what time did you guys finally end off? Mary-thanks for the "after party". Andy-thanks for the lavish dinner Sat. Moose-I never got to meet your family! I miss everyone already. Much Love, Kretch P.S. VE-GAS! VE-GAS! VE-GAS! VE-GAS!

Mark Alterio  
Message on Oct 10, 2006:  Based on the pics I've seen, I sure missed a great reunion. Some of you have not changed a bit. Bye, my turn to tee off.....

Debby Lemley  
Message on Oct 10, 2006:  What a GREAT TIME!! It was awesome to come back home and reconnect with so many friends and familiar faces! I was impressed how much everyone looked the same as they did the last time! I hope we do get together to celebrate our 50th, keep me posted! Looking forward to seeing all the pictures that get posted! The committee did a fabulous job which was alot of hard work. I know EVERYONE GREATLY APPRECIATED YOUR EFFORTS, IT WAS PERFECT! Let's stay in touch, Debby

Catherine March  
Message on Oct 10, 2006:  Greetings from beautiful Colorado. I'm so sorry that I had to miss this. Too many issues at home, but I was there in spirit. Paula and Bridgett sent me some photos. I can't believe we're this old. I heard some talk about having a 50th birtday party for everyone. Count me in!!!

Kenneth Hefley  
Message on Oct 10, 2006:  Had a great time this weekend at the reunion--it was great to see everyone--those that could not make it missed a good time hope we can get everyone together again soon---Best wishes to all---Hef----

Matthew Zakula  
Message on Oct 09, 2006:  Do to some unforeseen circumstances I was unable to attend the reunion of the 1972 class of Rand Jr. High. I was looking forward to seeing some of you for the first time since then. I hope you all had a wonderful time. Would love to hear from some of you. Thanks for the invitation.

Terry Mastandrea  
Message on Oct 08, 2006:  It was great to see everyone at the reunion and it's nice to see the class can pick up where we left off in high school.

Cindy Cormack  
Message on Oct 06, 2006:  ...hey, I was watching the Barrington High School Homecoming Parade last week and they had a float from their class of '76 and two things struck my mind -1) Those guys are really old. I mean really old! I can't possibly be as old as them. -and 2) we didn't even have any alumni at our homecoming. See you tonight, go check out the pictures in the main hall by the cafe' and see my son, Nicholas Terrell, class of 1999 National Merit Scholar Finalist. (got his good looks from me but the brains ???)

Keith Kretschmar  
Message on Oct 05, 2006:  Can't sleep-too excited! By the way, what's the deal with the Bison? Is that steam from his nostrils or an extended fist as he flies through the air on his way to kick some ass Fri night? I'll try to squeeze into my jacket and see you all at the game! Anyone want to get together for dinner prior to the reunion? I'm checking in early. Kretch 727-687-2872

Gary Cain  
Message on Oct 05, 2006:  Well, I can't freaking wait either.  I missed the first two but no way will I miss it this time.  I'm thankful to the reunion committee for their work.  I'm coming in town Friday from San Antonio TX with my two youngest boys and my beautiful wife, Jennifer.  Most of my family still lives in Buffalo Grove or Arlington Heights.  Go Figure!  I can't wait to see what you all turned out like.  Oh yeah, Mark Farrington says hi but he's in Africa, again!, on another safari or something.

Bob Throckmorton  
Message on Oct 05, 2006:  Had to look and see who's posted before heading east. As if I wasn't already anticipating this weekend, reading this lineup of who's going to be there reinforces those expectations of a great time!Can't wait to see everyone. Moose

Andy King    
Message on Oct 03, 2006:  Has anyone heard from Blimpo (Doug Browning). He still has my wrestling shoes.

Beth Rebmann DeWitt  
Message on Oct 02, 2006:  Hope to see you all there--My youngest is a junior at LHS and we play BG--where did the time go?!

Rich Wilhelm  
Message on Oct 02, 2006:  I am looking forward to seeing old friends, classmates and team mates. Thanks to the reunion committee for their efforts. Great job on the web site Mark!

Patt Baumann Andre  
Message on Sep 27, 2006:  Can't be at the reunion, but I will be there in spirit. Have a great time, and GO BISON!

Theresa Ashley Kingsley  
Message on Sep 27, 2006:  I'm really gonna miss you all -- Sorry I won't be able to attend. To many unforeseen events happening this year. Have fun everyone! Take lots of pictures and remember to post them. :)

Lorrie Parrish Carr  
Message on Sep 26, 2006:  Wow, I'm so excited, this will be my 1st reunion I will be attending, I can't wait to see everyone. I hope I can still put the names & faces together after 30 years. See you all soon.

Brent Jarvis  
Message on Sep 26, 2006:  Contrary to popular belief I did not die while Drag racing. Ok so I bruised my head a little bit:) My high school sweet heart Denise Schlegel and I will see you all on the 7th. This should be fun!

Message on Sep 23, 2006:  It will be very nice to see all of the people who I saw at the 10 and 20 year reunions, and those who attend the 30 year. NICE JOB MARY AND COMMITTEE!

Tim Hunt  
Message on Sep 22, 2006:  I heard I was on the lost list, I can't be on the lost list. I almost always know where I am. I think. Hope I can make it see everyone.

Paula Ralston Neumeier  
Message on Sep 13, 2006:  How can it be thirty years? When I realize that we are all in the last semester of our fourties ,I guess it is possible. Gotta dig out that old, hopfully not too moth eaten, letter jacket for the Homecoming Game on Friday night. I wonder will the ghosts of Bison Booster Parents Past be cheering from those stands. Can't wait to see everyone. Thanks to the committee.

George Bastable  
Message on Sep 07, 2006:  It's fun just seeing these names again, and am looking forward to seeing all the faces, too. Bring your guitar, Tim!

Patti Furlong Mayer  
Message on Aug 31, 2006:  Hi everyone... looking forward to the reunion weekend and to catching up on 30 years!

Julie Roberts Walker  
Message on Aug 26, 2006:  Greg Roberts and I are going to attend. We have been talking about it for months! Neither one of us graduated fom BGHS but we still consider it OUR high school. Looking forward to seeing all of you. Julie

Karen (woodlief) Meagher  
Message on Aug 25, 2006:  It was great to hear from Mary after all these years!! It's with great regrets that I cannot attend. Sorry Mary.

Denise (Doveala) Cooper  
Message on Aug 21, 2006:  Hi to all. Can't believe it's 30 years. I hope everyone is well, and I look forward to seeing everyone. Thanks for the committee's work in putting this together.

James J. Weidner  
Message on Aug 10, 2006:  HI there ,Idon't remember to many of the people I went to school with and not sure if I will remmember anyone after all this time .I hope every one is well and they all have a good time .

Keith (Kretsch) Kretschmar  
Message on Aug 09, 2006:  I CAN'T FREAKIN' WAIT!!!

Message on Jul 27, 2006:  Hello to all. I encourage all to connect with Jane and come to know the lord. Get on the Glory road with Jesus driving!!!


Tom (Weeds) Wiedemann  
Message on Jul 06, 2006:  I can't wait to see all the people who said I would never amount to anything, and pay up. YOU WERE RIGHT!! Don't forget to go to the Fox and Hound on Friday night and get a head start on catching up.

Rick Horndasch  
Message on Jun 18, 2006:  Hi, everybody... I'm helping the reunion committee to locate some of our class' "lost sheep" (as Jane K-B calls them), including people who left the area before our senior well as some of our long-lost-but-never-forgotten classmates from Rand JHS! There will be people attending this event that you never EVER thought you'd see again! That's a promise!

Gail (Gabbei) Thalhammer  
Message on Jun 12, 2006:  So great to hear from the reunion committee!! Although I graduated a year early ('75) I hope to attend the reunion and reconnect with my "true" classmates. Can't wait to see you all.

Rick (Hoffy) Hofmeister  
Message on May 31, 2006:  I can't wait to see everyone and relive all the memories (tall tales in some cases). Like Sherry, I am really happy you guys picked a nice place to have the reunion this time. The website is great and everyone I talked to is looking forward to October.

Tim Merkel  
Message on May 31, 2006:  Looking forward to seeing you all. I can't see my shoes anymore, but really I don't look a day over 60!

Darlene Larson  
Message on May 11, 2006:  I am one of several "former" teachers who will be attending. Great photos and site. Stay in touch. DL

Sherry (Felton) Ellis  
Message on Apr 24, 2006:  Kudos to everyone on the committe! Great website, photo's and thanks for picking a nice hotel!! I appreciate all your hard work and effort on the re-union.

Al Belmonte  
Message on Apr 14, 2006:  It's really great to see the familiar names again. Kudos to Mary and the committee for all of the work that has gone into the effort. Nice job on the website Mark. I look forward to seeing everyone again!

Vicki Casmere  
Message on Apr 11, 2006:  Is it true Tom Wiedmann will be doing the play-by-play from the box at the Friday night homecoming football game?

Rick Young  
Message on Mar 28, 2006:  Nice job Mary and Mark on putting this whole thing together. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Mary Ryan Sigmond  
Message on Mar 27, 2006:  Even though we were all seniors just yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing all fellow alums in October. Life has been a great adventure so far. Want to hear about what everyone is doing. You'd better be there, Farinella.

Andy King  
Message on Mar 26, 2006:  Nice job on the website. I too am in shock that 30 years has gone by. The maturing process for me has been very very slow.

Vicki Casmere  
Message on Mar 24, 2006:  Looking forward to the reunion! Since Mark did such nice job on the website, I will attempt to put together a slide show. Please look for and e-mail me by the beginning of July any picture that can be shared at the reunion and that captures a favorite or treasured BGHS memory.

Mark Thompson  
Message on Mar 23, 2006:  I'm looking forwarding to seeing old friends at the reunion. Has it really been 30 years? I feel like I've never left high school. Oh, that's right, I haven't.

Marc Farinella  
Message on Mar 22, 2006:  Ok, why is "message" a required field?